Vincenzo Ramaglia is a Roman composer active in contemporary music experimentation and in what he calls PEM (“popular experimental music”). After the academic training – at the end of which he won the TIM (Tournoi International de Musique) with an orchestral work – his music research insinuates itself into the alchemy between score and improvisation, between electronics, acoustic instruments (often investigated in their extended techniques) and voice. Atomic City is the fourth album by Vincenzo Ramaglia, landing of a long research path that begins more than ten years earlier and it is marked by the three recording projects before this unexpected electronic turn.

18,00 € 17,82 €
1 / Atomic City 1 / 8:27
2 / Atomic City 2 / 9:17
3 / Atomic City 3 / 8:45
4 / Atomic City 4 / 8:55
5 / Atomic City 5 / 9:34
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