Before that in 1977 as the punk wars raged, TRB had a surprise top-five hit with the insanely catchy 2-4-6-8 Motorway, which was based on a chant often heard at Gay Liberation marches at a time when being openly gay on the street was a very risky business. That hit wasn’t included on Power, so the single and a demo that is very similar to the recorded version are included as extras.
As are the four tracks on the Rising Free EP recorded at different London venues capturing what a great live band they were at the time. The EP included Glad To Be Gay, which was so controversial that Radio One had stickers on their copies of the top 20 hit making it clear it could only be played with the permission of the station controller, which just seems utterly bizarre these days. Don’t Take No For An Answer is a classic slice of TRB agit-prop that sets out their manifesto as does the slightly heavy-handed, but well-meaning, Right On Sister, and there’s some pub rock on Martin.