The duo Telectu, formed in 1981 by Jorge Lima Barreto and Vítor Rua, committed to improvisation, to polynstrumentism and to electroacustic, has approached several tendencies of post-modern music and has acted in diversified contexts – concerts, studio recordings and multimedia performances, inter-art collaborations for theatre, performance and video -, performing with some of the most important contemporary musicians (Sharp, Jean Sarbib, Sclavis, Lytton, Evan Parker, Hodgkinson, Rutherford, Cutler, Kientzy, Altschul, Berrocal, Mori, Zíngaro, Schiaffini, e.a ). Telectu has revolutionised the Portuguese musical landscape, introducing several new musical typologies; has played in several European countries, in the USA, China, URSS, Cuba and Brazil.
Since the year 2000, Telectu has collaborated mainly with the British soprano saxophonist Tom Chant, a meteoric revelation in his instrument, and opted for the quartet formula – piano (Jorge Lima Barreto), guitars and electronics (Vítor Rua) and drums. This triple CD, “Quartetos”, illustrates the saga of Telectu with Chant and three giants of the modern drumming that feature one on each CD; the Afro-American Sunny Murray, free-jazz luminary, a musician that has changed the rhythmic conception of contemporary jazz; the British Eddie Prévost, one of the most decisively influential pioneers of the new improvised music, both as a player and a theorist; and the North-American Gerry Hemingway, a charismatic name of the musical vanguard.
In its triple conception, Telectu states in “Quartetos” the refinement of the experimental language, in ambitious pieces, captivating, of rare idiomatic and solistic value, proposing jazz-off in a context of total improvisation.