“Haiku Lingo” is constructed as a narrative musical labyrinth of characters, styles, orchestrations, texts and juxtapositions. The work makes use of Hirsch’s vocal power and flexibility, humor and imaginative language together with Weinstein’s chameleon-powered sampling keyboards and electronics. Hirsch/Weinstein have collaborated regularly since 1985 including staged works “Occidental Dreams Of A Geisha” and “Celebration Of The Obvious”, the kaleidoscopic “Power Muzak” and many songs, story pieces and group projects.
16,00 € 15,84 €
1 / Power Muzak / 15:00
2 / Crazy Situation / 4:05
3 / Haiku Lingo / 17:50
4 / R-Mania / 3:10
5 / Circus With Harry / 3:45
6 / Drink Me / 4:20
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