What becomes clear is that not only are these performances less airily atmospheric than earlier versions, despite their more considered rubato; they are more determined, more confident, more knowing. Perhaps that’s natural; Glass wrote these pieces, after all, and here a life spent living with his creations makes its way to the tape. There’s a fascinating passage in Glass’ memoir where he describes the division between theory and practice that he encountered as a student at Juilliard. Budding composers were not expected to play their own pieces; indeed, no one assumed they might want to. “Making the practice of music and the writing of music separate activities was poor advice,” he writes. “Music is, above all, something we play, it’s not something that’s meant for study only. For me, performing music is an essential part of the experience of composing.” Philip Glass Solo offers a moving testament to the unity of the two sides of his practice. Treated to his thoughtful interpretations of his own work, recorded in the intimacy of his own home, you feel lucky to have the chance to sit with him.

26,93 €
1 / Opening / 5:57
2 / Mad Rush / 16:35
3 / Metamorphosis I / 7:26
4 / Metamorphosis II / 7:31
5 / Metamorphosis III / 6:17
6 / Metamorphosis IV / 5:29
7 / Truman Sleeps / 4:39
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