Ólöf Arnalds is an Icelandic singer and multi-instrumentalist. Classically educated on the violin, viola and self-taught on guitar and charango, Ólöf’s most distinctive asset is, nonetheless, her voice. A voice of instantly captivating, spring water chasteness possessed of a magical, otherworldly quality that is simultaneously innocent yet ancient (“somewhere between a child and an old woman” according to no less an authority than Björk).
1,76 € 1,74 €
1 / German Fields / 3:50
2 / Bright And Still / 3:17
3 / Return Again / 3:49
4 / Treat Her Kindly / 2:49
5 / Call It What You Want / 4:04
6 / A Little Grim / 2:56
7 / Fear Less / 2:52
8 / Numbers And Names / 3:18
9 / Sudden Elevation / 3:55
10 / The Joke / 1:44
11 / Onwards And Upwards / 2:35
12 / Perfect / 3:40
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