Born in San Sebastián, where he studied piano and composition, Luis works as dance accompanist and composer in many parts of Europe, in the USA and Japan. He is one of the very few pianists who excels in both classical ballet and contemporary dance.
10,17 € 10,07 €
1 / Oscuridad-Claridad / 2:27
2 / In Illo Tempore / 7:45
3 / Desamparo / 6:39
4 / Nexo, Sexo, Senso / 9:32
5 / Tres En Raya / 6:20
6 / No Dicho / 7:52
7 / Tara / 5:16
8 / Quietud / 7:32
9 / La La La / 10:15
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150 g
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