Stop for a moment. Listen carefully. Inhale what you’re hearing. Don’t be scared if your eyes burn – it’s only normal; did I ever introduce you to my friends? Of course I did – read the Cremaster reports for example. Now, there’s the third of a perfect pair here, trumpet player Ruth Barberán. Well, I dare you to recognize a single “regular” trumpet emission here – Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis are revolving in their graves right now. What? Did you say “inhospitable”? Well, you never know – one day, this could be the only music you need. Isn’t the daily life just like that? Motors, electricity, animals, screaming people, litigations, hotheads and those unbearable kids of your neighbours that you’d want to kill every time you hear their voice. Ferran, Ruth and Alfredo portray everything but the proverbial kitchen sink through turntable, trumpet and accordion and – guess what – they do a much better coffee than your neighbours.
12,00 € 11,88 €
1 / Weiur / 9:09
2 / Uyoti / 8:54
3 / 98y2r / 7:49
4 / Weidfug / 15:43
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