DAVID TOOP – Ocean Of Sound: Ambient Sound And Radical Listening In The Age Of Communication – Livro – 9781788160308


ISBN10: 1788160304
ISBN13: 9781788160308
Editor: Serpent’s Tail (UK)
Língua: inglesa
Dimensões: 127 x 197 x 25mm
Encadernação: capa mole
Páginas: 320

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David Toop’s extraordinary work of sonic history travels from the rainforests of Amazonas to the megalopolis of Tokyo via the work of artists as diverse as Brian Eno, Sun Ra, Erik Satie, Kate Bush, Kraftwerk and Brian Wilson.

Beginning in 1889 at the Paris exposition when Debussy first heard Javanese music performed, Ocean of Sound channels the competing instincts of 20th century music into an exhilarating, path-breaking account of ambient sound.

Serpent’s Tail

500 g
REF: 9781788160308 Categoria: Etiqueta: