C418 – Minecraft Volume Beta – 2CD – GI-360


Disc 1
1 / Ki / 1:32
2 / Alpha / 10:03
3 / Dead Voxel / 4:56
4 / Blind Spots / 5:32
5 / Flake / 2:50
6 / Moog City 2 / 3:00
7 / Concrete Halls / 4:14
8 / Biome Fest / 6:18
9 / Mutation / 3:05
10 / Haunt Muskie / 6:01
11 / Warmth / 3:59
12 / Floating Trees / 4:04
13 / Aria Math / 5:10
14 / Kyoto / 4:09
15 / Ballad Of The Cats / 4:35

Disc 2
1 / Taswell / 8:35
2 / Beginning 2 / 2:56
3 / Dreiton / 8:17
4 / The End / 15:04
5 / Chirp / 3:06
6 / Wait / 3:54
7 / Mellohi / 1:38
8 / Stal / 2:32
9 / Strad / 3:08
10 / Eleven / 1:11
11 / Ward / 4:10
12 / Mall / 3:18
13 / Blocks / 5:43
14 / Far / 3:12
15 / Intro / 4:36

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As C418, composer and producer Daniel Rosenfeld designs sounds to resonate in both physical and pixelated realms. Best known for his original soundtracks to Minecraft, the single best-selling video game of all time, he’s developed a discography of instrumental music over the last decade that traverses electronic pop patterns, neo-classical dreamscapes, and sparse ambient motifs. The latter element has broken from the “8-bit” pigeonholing of game music and earned him accolades that reference artists like Erik Satie (The Guardian) and Brian Eno (VICE).

Ghostly International

250 g
REF: 0804297836027 Categoria: Etiqueta: