The transformation of Joy Division, an influential cult band, into New Order, a phenomenally popular institution, is one of the most intriguing success stories in all of rock. With the 1980 suicide of frontman Ian Curtis, Joy Division had appeared to be over. Yet the remaining three members stayed together and changed their name and musical direction. Since then, they sustained a level of accomplishment and fan loyalty that transcends generations and that is beyond the expectations of its members. No one is better positioned to tell this story than Sumner, the guitarist who shifted sideways into Curtis’ role as singer and who became the primary motivator in the shift into the electronic dance music that has made New Order a popular mainstay.
28,00 €
ISBN10: 1250077729
ISBN13: 9781250077721
Editor: St. Martin’s Press / Thomas Dunne Books (USA)
Língua: inglesa
Dimensões: 163 x 236 x 30mm
Encadernação: capa dura
Páginas: 352